Dear Brothers and Sisters,
ONE WEEK TO GO. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5. Please watch our new In the Know - Get Out the Vote video now and make a plan to vote either by mail, early, or day-of. Tens of thousands of LIUNA members have already cast their ballots, please join their ranks if you have not already.
You can check the deadlines or options in your state at LIUNAVotes.org.
Your union has endorsed Kamala Harris for President because she has the right character and experience to lead, combined with a plan to improve our lives and livelihoods. She will continue the pro-union policies of the current White House, create more union jobs building our country, and take on the price gougers who are driving up the cost of living.
Her opponent has a clear agenda: to dismantle the hard-earned progress we've made in creating good jobs with strong union labor standards. If you're feeling the pinch of today's high prices, imaging the burden of his proposed $4,000 sales tax, which would make everyday essentials even less affordable for working families.
But it doesn't stop there. He's openly supportive of eliminating overtime pay, reductions in union wages, and sides with anti-union figures like Elon Musk. With Donald Trump and his Project 2025 allies, they're not just erasing progress; they're targeting the very foundation of everything we've fought for.
Trump had his chance to make America great, yet all he delivered was a trail of broken promises.
Watch the latest In the Know - Get Out the Vote and hear from fellow LIUNA members on their plans to vote.
Thank you for all that you do to keep this union strong and let's get out the vote!
Fraternally yours,
Brent Booker
General President