National Postal Mail Handlers Union - Unity · Democracy · Strength - Division of LIUNA - AFL-CIO

National Postal Mail Handlers Union A Division of LIUNA (AFL-CIO)

Media Center / Mail Handler Update


Throughout the summer, committees appointed by National President Paul Hogrogian will meet to review and establish a full agenda for the 2016 Convention, including possible constitutional amendments and resolutions that may be submitted for consideration by the delegates. In addition to the traditional Constitution and Resolution Committees – and in recognition of the increasing role that the NPMHU has played in ongoing legislative issues on Capitol Hill – President Hogrogian has once again empaneled a Legislative Committee to review and recommend the adoption of resolutions concerning legislative and political matters.

Members of the NPMHU who wish to submit proposals for consideration by the delegates at the 2016 National Convention must follow the requirements set forth in the NPMHU National Constitution. 

Proposed Constitutional Amendments

As set forth in Article XII of the National Union Constitution, the delegates to the 2016 National Convention will consider and vote upon amendments to both the NPMHU National Constitution and the Uniform Local Union Constitution that governs all Local Unions affiliated with the NPMHU. As stated in Article XII, Section 10:

“For proposed amendments to this Constitution to be considered by a National Convention, such amendments must be submitted in writing by Delegates, Local Unions or other subordinate bodies in good standing, or regular members in good standing to the National President no later than sixty (60) days prior to the opening of the National Convention. Such proposed amendments shall be referred by the National President to the Constitution Committee for consideration and recommendation to the National Convention.” 

Although not required by the Constitution, it would greatly assist the Constitution Committee if submissions were formatted as follows: (1) List the current constitutional language; (2) List the new or changed language that you are proposing; and (3) Explain the reason for the proposed change.

Proposed Resolutions

In addition, the current National Constitution also sets forth the governing procedure for the consideration of resolutions, whether related to legislation or other topics of interest to mail handlers. In particular, Article XII, Section 15 provides as follows: 

“Resolutions submitted for consideration of the National Convention must be received by the National President no later than sixty (60) days prior to the opening date of the National Convention. Such resolutions shall be referred to the Committee on Resolutions for consideration and recommendation to the Convention delegates for adoption, modification, or rejection thereof.”

Should you have any constitutional amendments or resolutions that you would like to propose, please be sure to follow the procedures set forth in Article XII of the National Constitution. 

Because the opening of the National Convention is set for Monday, August 22, 2016, all submissions must be received at the National Office no later than Thursday, June 23, 2016, which is sixty days prior to the opening of the 2016 National Convention.

The address for submitting any proposed amendments or resolutions is:

2016 National Convention
1101 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036


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